Terms of payments
Dzieci Afryki Foundation in online service www.africanmusicschool.com
I. Online payments
- Online service at www.africanmusicschool.comhereandafter referred to as „Service” allows users online payments to music school African Music School (to Dzieci Afryki Foundation Bank Account number nr 40 2490 0005 0000 4600 6080 2410) to support school activity.
- Online payments are handled by internet payment service dotpay.pl. Rediricting to dotpay.pl occurs via clicking on correspondent link.
- Online payments can be applied within:
- online bank transfer (list of banks http://www.dotpay.pl/platnosci_internetowe/przelewy_online/ )
- credit or debit card (list of cards http://www.dotpay.pl/platnosci_internetowe/visa_mastercard/ )
- Terms and conditions for details of the transactions accessible at https://ssl.dotpay.pl/files/regulamin_dotpay_sa_dokonywania_wplat_w_serwisie_dotpay.pdf
- Payments – donations for African Music School are non-refundable.
II. Protection of personal data
- The administrator of personal data indicated in consent to process personal data in Service is Dzieci Afryki Foundation with the main office registered on al. Zjednoczenia 13 01-829 Warszawa (NIP: 5242680254, tel. 601 319 878 or 022 381-27-74, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ).
- The administrator process donor's data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation of 27 April 2016 („RODO”). The administrator protects donor's personal data and process them only to the extent necessary implementation of the Contract.
- Data Protection Superviser contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or: al. Zjednoczenia 13, 01-829 Warszawa.
- Personal data are processed by the administrator for various purposes, to varying extent and on the different legal bases provided in the RODO (http://dzieciafryki.com/polityka-prywatnosci-fundacji-dzieci-afryki/ ).
- Providing data is voluntary but necessary for payment process. Without personal data provided the payment can not be executed.
- Online payment data administrator is the owner of Dotpay.pl service. In order to carry out the payment, consent for transfering personal data by Dzieci Afryki Foundation to Dotpay.pl service owner is needed. Dotpay.pl S.A. company based in Cracow, 30-552 Kraków, ul. Wielicka 72, registered by the District-Court Kraków-Śródmieście in Cracow, 11th Commercial Division of the National Court Register 0000296790, with NIP 634-26-61-860, NIP EU PL6342661860, REGON 240770255.
- Under the terms laid down in RODO following righs are granted to User: right to access and rectification of data, erasure or restriction of processing, right to object, to request the cessation of processing and transfering of data and to withdraw consent at any time as well as the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.