English (UK)

African Music School

is a unique project which changes the lives of children from the Central African Republic (CAR).
Our main campaign ‘Instruments Instead of Guns” encourages the youngsters to join our peaceful revolution and develop their musical skills.

Thanks to thousands of Donors we are able to create space
where children from CAR can grow and build a better future for themselves.

If you want to participate in our project, you can write/call us or simply send us your donation.
The whole sum of the donation will be used to develop the African Music School.

I help

Why do we
do build AMS?

The main idea of AFRICAN MUSIC SCHOOL is to create a place for professional music education for talented but impoverished kids – education, that will give them a job and ability to sustain a family in a future. For most of them it is the only chance to learn. Furthermore, full of joy music lessons can let the kids forget the difficulties of their post-war reality and give hope for normal life.

Needs are

The aim of African Music School project is to bulid the first Music School in CAR in Bouar. It is a work city for polish missioner Benedykt Pączka, the initiator of the project. We need about 4 mln PLN to build a new school to replace an actual, makeshift one.
he architectural project, prepared by Architecture Sans Frontieres is ready, so are all needed building permits. The only lack we have is money. In addition to construction costs we bear the costs of school maintenance. The money raised within Singila Campaign will be used to build first 5 classrooms of our school.

See the project

For over last 10 years Central African Republic (CAR) is affected by armed struggles and conflicts.

In this one of the poorest countries in the world 65% of kids are forced to work phisically or pressed to military service. The authorities have not built a single school during last 50 years. It is a church and missionaries who promote education and help the youngest to make their dreams come true. Join our great project and help to provide better future for these kids. You can do it very easily, by joining the Singila Campaign.

Let’s build the African Music School together!

We have been changing the lives of children from CAR for the better thanks to thousands of Donors.

We want to encourage you to join our peaceful musical revolution. Send us your donation. We will use the whole sum to develop our projects.

At this moment we need 25 000 Euros (100 000 PLN) to create the sewage system in the school’s buildings.

Up to now we have raised:
56 819.63 zł


Donate now

Make a donation and build African Music School with us.
Thank you!

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Musicians for Musicians

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